COVID Times/ Painting in Lockdown

The cronovirus lockdown has restricted all of us inside our homes. Being quite an introvert person -at the beginning I even liked the possibility to stay at home and spend more time with my children. Later on, when self isolation became even more strict, painting helped me to stay on a positive side, keep calm and continue to “go ahead” even without leaving my home…


Beautiful spring flowers, right behind the doors of my house - were an incredible source of inspiration during lockdown. These beautiful white hyacinths I bought in a grocery shop nearby. Did a quick Alla prima painting in oils that day and felt totally happy…

This one - is my first painting created during COVID lockdown. I set up a spring floral still-life and added white origami Dove to it. I did this origami bird with my son the day before and in the circumstances of lockdown found it very symbolic.. For me, white bird - is a symbol of good news (Bible’s white bird), symbol of new beginning, freedom and peace.


Purple, white, peachy, yellow….Irises!


Painting Spring Moments