Print Samples With -30%OFF & Free Delivery

This post might be useful for those of you who want to print their own art/favourite photos on apparel and accessories. Here I am sharing my personal experience of ordering prints at sveral Print On Demand (POD) services.

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Read my previous blog post about my printing experience with Fine Art America (FAA) and why I do not order at FAA anymore.

After disappointment with FAA I have desided to try one of the Russian POD services.

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Lots of them are printing merch with vector graphics, but when it comes to printing artist’s paintings and drawings on apparel, where color shades and tone matters- the result often leaves much to be desired…


This is the T-Shirt with my collage print on it orderd at Russian POD via their website:

The price of A4 size print on a cotton T-shirt was ~ 19.5$! (1,400Rbls) which is rather high I presume, taking into consideration that I planned to add some margin on it and offer this merch to my customers.

Then I have read few reviews on different POD companies and found that “Printful” offers a rather good quality of print and 30%off on your 1st samples order (valid 24 hours from account registration) +free delivery on it.

Isn’t it enticing enough?

My 1st sample order at Printful was: 2 T-shirts of my size and 1 black hoodie.

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  • This T-Shirt featuring one of my original paper collages - is now available at my website shop.

Sample order at Printful means: 1 to 3 products per month with 20%off and free delivery. Plus you can download numerous mockups for ordered samples - which is great.

  • This design I created at “Online Printful Design Maker” for my 1st T-Short. Just downloaded the photo of collage and added some text below it.

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This is the 2nd T-shirt of the Printful sample order.

It is minimalistic and features one of my original ink drawing.

Plan to use this design on long-sleeve apparel as well.

This Black&White unisex T-shirt is also available at my website shop.

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And this is the final comparison of the prints quality: Printful vs. Russian POD service I mentioned above.

Both prints are looking good at the T-shirts! Each done of the same print file (original image *psd). The photos of the prints were taken at the same lighting and at the same time with no editing.

(!) The Upper one, more brightful and colorful -is from Printful.

The lower one - is from local Print On Demand service. Acceptable, but a bit less saturated...

Conclusion from all the above:

  • I would order again at Printful, especially with sample orders discount.

  • Apparel arrives from Printful fullfilment center at good condition and well packaged (which was a real problem with Fine Art America).

In case you would like to try Printful - there is a permanent “5% OFF coupone” on your Printful orders from me.

If you sign up using the link

-we both get $5 to spend on premium products, like a custom printed t-shirt, embroidered hat, or an enamel mug.



Hiking in Russia - Krasnaya Polyana trails


Why I Quit Printing With Fine Art America…