Colour Therapy - Orange!

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In colour therapy Orange is a colour which helps to cure many deseases.
It is mainly associated with the nervous and respiratory system and is used for treating the disorders related to these systems. (also nullifies the negative effects of dark blue shades.)

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Physical Properties:
Being a combination of red and yellow it gives a hot impact. It improves the working of thyroid glands, depresses 'the parathyroid. Helps in absorption of calcium in the body. It not only helps in digestion but also benefits in colds and pneumonia. It expands the lungs.


Orange Colour - has antispasmodic effect on muscles and increases the pulse rate. Asthma, cough, bronchitis, respiratory problems, epilepsy, diseases of lungs, the ailments resuIting from gastric problems, rheumatism, arthritis can be cured by using this colour.

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It also acts on spleen and pancreas to help assimilation and circulation. It greatly helps in overcoming mental exhaustion. Tumors - both benign and malignant melt away under this colour. Kidney problems, prolapsed uterus and the menstrual difficulties can be cured when this colour is used.
Contraindications for orange are: insomnia, fevers, over excitement and delirium.

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In treatment of the diseases under this therapeutic system Chromatized water and chromatized massage oil proved to be very effective.

The method of preparing Chromatized water and oil you can find in the book “Colour Therapy” (available as free *pdf file for reading) at pages 90-92.


All the colour therapy info menthioned in this blog post is based on the original text of this book “Colour Therapy” (available as free *pdf file for reading online).

(!) To insure you understand everything right - please read the whole book before applying these methods of treatment or at least the chapters related to your health problems.

P.S.: Whish you all the best and almost run to buy an orange glass bottle to prepare orange charged water for myself…:))

Next Colour Therapy Post will be dedicated to Yellow Colour. See you in a week!


New Paintings of January


Colour Therapy - Red