Colour Therapy - Red
Precisely this blog post is dedicated to Red colour. Other colours to be described in the following post.
Treatment using colours is so simple that even a man of common understanding can use this therapeutic system. lt takes less time at an affordable cost, almost none to get well.
The following methods can be used for treating diseases by colours.
1. Exposing body intermittently in the sunlight for brief intervals. Spectrum of the sunlight contains all the colours in it.
2. Colours of the light are the actual remedy for the diseases: a) Have a glass bottle of the required colour. After cleansing it with hot water, fill it with distilled water or boiled water. Let one fourth of the bottle remain empty.
b) Place this bottle in the sunlight, keeping it on a wooden surface for four to six hours. The best time to treat water with coloured rays is from l0am till 4pm. c) Accumulation of droplets in the empty surface o f the bottle is an indication that the water has been charged enough… Keep the bottle properly secured with cork or stopper.
d) In treatment of the diseases under this therapeutic system Chromatized oil has also proved very effective. The method of preparing Chrornatized oil you can find in this book “Colour Therapy” at page 92.
You can find more info about colour therapy methods of treatment as well as list of diseases colour therapy deals with in this book mentioned above.
Next blog post will be dedicated to the healing effects of Orange and Yellow colours. See you! ~ and thanks for reading!