Colour Therapy - Yellow!


In colour therapy Yellow is associated with the organs of the digestive system and is used to cure the ailments and disorder of the digestive system.

In dyes and paints Yellow is one of the primary colours and is used in making colours like orange and green.

But when the green and red lights are mixed together - yellow is produced and for this reason it contains the properties of both the red and the green simultaneously.


According to colour therapy, Yellow stimulates the mind and helps in concentrating. Yellow is good for children as it enhances their ability to perceive and understand

It was noticed that even retarded children seem to learn faster in rooms painted yellow.


Physical Properties: Yellow is the best of all in treating the diseases of stomach, intestines and liver.

It has a stimulating, cleansing, and eliminating action on the liver, intestines and skin. It energizes the alimentary tract, purifies the blood stream and activates the lymphatics.

Yellow foods generate power. These are foods rich in immune stimulating properties. When we lack yellow foods it can lead to poor memory, lack of concentration, tension, irritability, digestive problems. Include lemons, bananas, grapefruits, corn, pineapples, rye, wheat, eggs, fish, fish oils and foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids in your diet.


Yellow Chromatized water after meals combined with other colour therapy methods helps in treatment of some diseases such as irritable bowel disease, colitis, Crone’s disease.

The method of preparing Chromatized water and oil you can find in the book “Colour Therapy” (available as free *pdf file for reading) at pages 90-92.


Wearing Yellow stimulates communication. It is a friendly color promoting cheerfulness and increasing the heart beat. Yellow opens us up freely to better conversation.
Wearing It, generally energizes, helps relieve depression, improves memory and stimulates the appetite. It makes us feel good..

The Balance of Yellow

Too much yellow, and we can develop the inability to focus or complete one task at a time. We can become critical and demanding, planning and never manifesting. Other traits are perfectionist thinking, workaholic behavior and inability to relax.

Too little yellow, and we can feel isolated and develop low self-esteem, lack courage to try new things, and become insecure and depressed.


FYI: Colour therapy methods menthioned in this blog post are based on the original text of this book “Colour Therapy” (available as free *pdf file for reading online).

(!) To insure you understand everything right - please read the whole book before applying these methods of treatment (chromatized water etc.) or at least the chapters related to your health problems.

P.S.: Next Colour Therapy Post will be dedicated to Green Colour. See you in a week!


P.S.#2: Just an idea: I have several paintings with quite a lot of yellows in them.

As yellow is good for digestive system, this painting would definitely look great at any dining room. It is available at the moment. You may find it at my “FLORALS” section of the shop.

“Still-Life With Cherry Blossoms And Origami”, 2020.

Original painting by Oxana Logvinova.


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